Commercial Property in Humble, TX

Commercial Property in Humble, TX

6460 Aldine Bender Rd, Humble, TX 77396

 Auction Tuesday, November 12th

Onsite – 2pm

Property to be sold in parcels or in total


The buyer failed to close on this property after our July auction and forfeited his entire 10% deposit.

The seller has directed to conduct another auction in order to liquidate this property prior to year end.


14,000 sf building – 50’x150′ crane served with heavy electrical, 2 homes, 2 vacant lots


2 Story Home is: 14413 Ravendale Humble, TX 77396

Click here for 2019 Property Taxes for Ravendale Home

1 Story Home is: 14418 Grandy Humble, TX 77396

Click here for 2019 Property Taxes for Grandy

Pictures of Home on Grandy:

Pictures of Home on Ravendale:

Click here for 2019 Property Taxes on Building


Click here for 2019 Property Taxes on Vacant Lots


Terms & Conditions

  1. 12% Buyer’s Premium added to the winning bid price to determine total contract price.
  2. No minimum bid, final bid subject to seller’s confirmation.
  3. $25,000 cashier’s check made payable to Auction Escrow & Settlement is required to bid.
  4. Cooperating broker participation is offered. Contact the auction company to register your client and receive the terms.  Real estate agent MUST be present with client at auction.
  5. Closing & payment: High bidder (purchaser) must remit 10% non-refundable payment of the total contract price on auction day to Auction Escrow & Settlement. Balance to be paid at closing within 30 days. Purchaser must sign a non-contingency contract to close within 30 days of the auction date.
  6. Seller/owner/creditor reserves the right directly or through directing the auctioneer to recover equity and/or liquidate debt by placings bids on their behalf up to or equal to a level necessary to guarantee clear title with no tax issues, liens or encumbrances.
  7. Disclaimer: Acreage and square footage dimensions are based on information provided by seller and are believed to be correct; however, purchaser &/or purchaser’s agent/broker shall bear responsibility to confirm all calculations prior to the sale. Not available to residents of any state in which this real estate is not in compliance with the real estate laws of that state. All information provided or contained in a brochure was derived from sources believed to be correct but are not guaranteed.

Contact us for more info – – 713.594.1576